Hajj Packages Pakistan | Economy to Luxury Hajj | Hejaz-e-Moqaddus Pakistan
HEJAZ-E-MOQADDUS Travels Tours Pakistan is most trusted name in the field of hajj umrah services. Hejaz-e-Moqaddus has been in the travel business since the past Twenty two Years. Our experience is reflected in our services and our umrah hajj packages. Our motto of “QUALITY SERVICES” is not just a slogan but it is reflected in the experience and commitment of our team at Hejaz-e-Moqaddus.
For more Details about Hajj Packages Please Contact the Number below
021-35293234- 35- 36- 37
Mobile Phone: 923008218582, 923008214629
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/923008218582
Email: info@hejazemoqaddus.com
Website: https://hejazemoqaddus.com/
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