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Get Visitors

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:22 pm
by Mayaaa1
unique traffic makes everyone always asks .. What do I do to increase the number of visitors to my blog or website. Or rather what if I want to increase it of blog visitors to 1000 per day or 10,000 per day ?? And the answer here in this subject, God willing. Images can not be displayed in the archive First we must understand the nature of the visitors who reach the blog and are divided into 3 sections: Positive visitors - who enter your blog directly, that is, they know the title of the blog and access it without an intermediary. Referral visitors - they can access your blog through other sites. Visitors to search engines - they are who arrive to your blog via search engines like google, bing and others ... There have been a lot of advertising these days, which tells you to increase the number of visitors to 100,000 and above, of course, every Halkam is unfounded and ask an experimenter. The basic and correct solution and interpretation of increasing visitors to large sites is here, God willing .. Many brothers suffer from the problem of visitors and do not know what visitors. Visitors are the main engine of any site Or a blog and no visitors have no point in blogging, but how to get your visitors Brothers, the way is easy, not that difficult, but you need a little patience 52972. :D