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investment make money

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:43 am
by ghizlanecherk
Welcome to the company Dear participants ladies and gentlemen here you can earn well for a successful person’s residence we will provide you with all the rays of the conditions You can invite your participants and good people who you like and let them also earn their capital together with you. So that they were interested and profitably like And to you for this We created this article investment make should not forget that this is a big risk to invest your last money advise you to invest free capital even you can invite your relative in order that they have a profit and success in this project If you have friends Invite them too in this project, he will provide them for many years. And you yourself will also get profit very profitable for living your own house or buy a car to go on vacation we will provide you our online technical support it will answer you on all current issues on current topics for the amenities and conditions we craved for created technical support. The participants ask their questions and receive their answers current and actual successes to all 2278

investment make money

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 4:13 pm
by BarryKnora
I am looking at different investment options and one that has my attention is investing in company that does micro lending to Filipinos.  Not the bombay 6-5 but not far from it either.  I have read about the problems with trying to lend money yourself or even with the use of Filipino family and friends. That is not what I am talking about.  What I am looking at is a company that I invest my money in and they are the ones that find the borrowers and make the decision on who to and who not to lend to.  They also require different types of collateral.  Has anybody had any experience with anything like this?

investment make money

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:55 am
by Howardmen
Oh, also let me say that I clicked on this thread because I thought it would be an instructional thread telling ME how to make money with coins, haha. So just because I replied does not mean I know what I am talking about. Ask someone like Christostock or Rodebaugh if you want a good answer.